Monday, September 22, 2008

The Beauty Of Christian Worship

I was thinking about what sets "Christian Worship" apart from "Secular Worship," other then the obvious fact that Jesus Christ alone is only to be praised (Is 44:6). But I believe as Christians we have a revelation (or should pray to) of what "Worship" is truly about, and that revelation helps us in our everyday life, specially when its comes to relationships ( With our Wives, Husbands, Mothers, Fathers, Fiance(grin) and you feel in the blanks) although we as Christians can tend to forget what "True Worship" is all about, and we can become frustrated with our worship, and we will act like babies that have not learned that there is more to life then pampering and feeding "Self," so in our immature understanding, we cant have a good worship service unless we are being "Blessed."

But what sets us apart from "Secular Worship," is that our worship is selfless and is produced and prepared from the depths of our hearts a "Sacrifice of Praise," (Heb 13:5) what is our sacrifice? We are and we bring the sacrifice of praise, we deny ourselves and say its all about him (God). So we Christians are giving to the Lord asking for nothing in return, not asking for a spiritual high, not asking for a raise or promotion.

But we are going into service with attitude of how can our worship bless the Lord!

While the world will worship to receive a blessing, a feeling, they will worship romance, riches, fame and success and that's why wordily artists have to work so hard to keep producing hit songs, so that they can keep the mass happy, where Christian music seems to be timeless, and we can sing songs like "Amazing Grace" and "How Great Thou Art" for years and it still has the same effect, for we are not singing it for the feelings it gives us, but we are singing to please the Lord, we are singing of Gods love, Gods riches and Gods fame and Gods glory! What a privilege.

So the beauty of "Christian Worship," is we never have to be frustrated with our worship, because its not about us, its all about Jesus Christ for "It is more blessed to give than to receive." (Acts 20:35)

O by the way, I have noticed the Lord seems to always return blessings!


Brittany Rivers said...

Wow... what a revelation!

Mary Frances said...

This is totally true! Have you ever noticed how much talent there is in Pentecost?! I think the difference is annointing!
God bless you with your music ministry!