Thursday, August 6, 2009

Pray, Discover And Name It

God himself defines the word “Creative”. Everything about him is everything but simple or “lame”. Our Father created everything with so much detail, greatness and splendor. We as people just don’t have the length of life of on this earth to fully discover all the Father has created, but it will take one generation after another to “Discover” and “Name” what God has put in place.
Scientist and inventors in multi-million dollar research centers stand behind telescopes and sit behind desks and proclaim to be creators in a God like fashion, but I beg to differ they are only discovering and picking up on clues that the Lord has left us. And Brothers and Sisters we have yet to discover the full greatness of our Father.
Genesis 1:1 “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth”
Genesis 2:1 “Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them.”
The first responsibility the Lord gave Adam is to dress and keep, in other words to take care of it, and this is what I call to “discover” you cannot keep anything you have not discovered. Genesis 2:15 “And the Lord God took the man, and put him into the Garden of Eden to dress and keep it.“
The second responsibility the Lord gave is to “Name” the discoveries. Genesis 2:19 “And out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature , that was the name thereof.”
There is nothing new under the sun, every invention you can think of the light bulb, type writer, internet, video and the list goes on. Nothing is new, but was only newly discovered and named.
This brings me to my main point: Many times as worship leaders or music directors we are labeled as being “Creative” and that comes with pressures to do things new, write abstract songs about the Lord or to create some new beats and electronic noise to come up with some weird new sound to impress and wow the masses.
But the way we are going to be truly “Creative” is to let the Lord be the “Creator” and us be the “Discoverer” (means to learn or notice) and that will only come through prayer; we must seek the will of the Father and ask him what he wants to hear us sing unto him in our worship services.
I am not against the word “Creative” or the label “Creative & Arts Director,” I am wanting to simple remind us who is truly the “Creative One” and that is the “Creator,” we are merely following where God leads us to go, we are growing and gaining only when God promotes us.
I believe the Lord has so much for us to discover, lets pray and ask God what new songs he wants us to write, lets ask God to help us discover new technologies that may assist us in our worship services, plays, dramas etc…..Pray, Discover And Name it. Be blessed

1 comment:

Brittany Rivers said...

wow, never thought of it that way. SO true!!!!